Thursday, January 21, 2016

Dr. Eric Bieniek

What courses are you currently teaching?
Dr. Bieniek is currently teaching two sections of “Behavior Disorders and Autism” Course which is a Special Education undergraduate course and two sections “Advanced Study of Autism Spectrum Disorders” which is a graduate level course. 
What are you most proud of concerning those courses?
He is proud about his student’s work ethic and dedication that they have towards education. He shared that he is proud to be a new faculty member at the University and emphasized how the students in his classes go above and beyond.
What scholarly/projects are you working on in your classes?
Dr. Bieniek is working on a survey with university colleagues that are related to autism awareness and instructional methods on how to support children with autism. The results and survey are currently being reviewed and the data collected will be presented nationally this coming spring. He is also working with university colleagues to update and rejuvenate the sensory lab that is located on campus in the field house. Lastly, he is working with another professor to develop an “Applied Behavioral Analysis” master’s degree program and will focus on scientific and evidence based instruction in special education.
What do you do for fun during your free time or school break?
Dr. Bieniek shares that he has three children eight, five, and three so he spends a lot of time with them and they like to watch movies and take vacations when available. He enjoys working on planning, developing, helping students, providing helpful feedback and completing coursework as well. Dr. Bieniek also used to scuba dive a lot so he wants to get back into doing that again.
What most do you appreciate about SRU?
Dr. Bieniek appreciates Slippery Rock University because of the family atmosphere, and the collaboration with the faculty in his department. He shares how he likes that the focus is on the students and how to best prepare them to be successful.
What made you want to be a faculty member at the college level?
He wanted to be faculty member at the college level because he has worked in schools for fifteen years and has always been driven to complete research and publications. He also wants to be an ambassador to the community to inform people of what are the best and most effective practices for a given scenario in education.
If you could have one super power what would it be? 
If he could have one superpower it would be to fly!

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